Peer Mentors


The Mentors

Sophie Duan, Murali Murthy, Gautam Nath and have successfully advised professionals on career management and transition strategies for over a combined 60 years. All 3 have been immigrants to Canada and are well settled in their service over the years in giving back to newcomers. They are passionate in giving back and have conceived the Bootcamp idea as a platform that supports individuals in a far more effective manner.

Sophie Duan

Originally from mainland China, Sophie arrived in Canada over two decades back. She is the founder of M-Bridge an association that has been organizing events to help new immigrants professionals learn about communication and social settlement in Canada. She has dedicated her life to helping others. Sophie is also the Director and Administrator of FH International High School, a learning institute for International students wanting to clear the Ontario School certification.

Murali Murthy

Murali is an acclaimed Public Speaker and the Author of the Canadian Best-selling You Are Hired, Unleash Your WOW and the ACE Series of Books. As a professional speaker and motivational coach, the insights that he offers through his presentations and seminars helps professionals build their niche in today’s hyper competitive marketplace. He is also the Chairperson of CAMP, a networking platform aimed at empowering professionals from the Advertising, Sales and Marketing sectors.

Gautam Nath

Gautam wears multiple hats and has a wide array of accomplishments under his belt. He is the founder of MMSC (Multicultural Marketing Solutions Canada), a high level strategy organizations that works with businesses and Canadian companies helping them reach out to the growing multicultural community in Canada. Gautam has many recognition awards, notably Canada’s Top 25 Immigrants Award, The June Callwood Award, Canada’s top 50 Board Diversity Professionals, The Sovereign’s Medal and is a Canadian Citizenship Oath Presiding Officer. He also ran for the Office of the Mayor on Toronto in 2018.